“You are only young once,
but you can stay immature indefinitely.” ~Ogden Nash

I've long prided myself on my ability to pack light. But when you are going to be away for four months, and on a ship where one dresses--to one extent or another--for dinner, that gets a little complicated. So, here I am with two large suitcases, one medium, and one small filled with stuff. Oddly, if you don't count shoes, the clothing probably could have all fit in one large suitcase. It's all the other paraphernalia of living in a 269 square foot (including balcony) cabin for 121 days that bulks you up.
Fortunately, the cruise line reimburses for airline excess baggage fees up to $500.
Am I ready to go? Well, the decorations need to come off of that tree, and the tree taken down and out, and the needles cleaned up. Plus a few odds and ends needed when you're going to be away for a while. But, yes, apart from that, I am ready to go.
My next check-in will be from aboard the Crystal Serenity.
What packing for a 4-month cruise looks like.
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