Tuesday, January 26, 2016

And the World Cruise Officially Starts: San Francisco

The Bay Area is so beautiful, I hesitate to preach about heaven while I’m here.” Billy Graham

Having added a Panama Canal cruise to the beginning of our “world cruise,” we had a 19-day head start.  Our ship took some bumps and lumps heading into San Francisco, with the roughest seas we’ve seen to date.  At one point, just as we headed into SF waters, a large wave hit the ship, with the result that the dishes in the Bistro (the ship’s coffee shop) all went tumbling. Fortunately, I was able to lift my glass of wine (yes, the coffee shop serves wine) in time to avoid spillage.

The sail-in under the Golden Gate Bridge was lovely, as was the approach to the city. 

But, alas, arrival in San Francisco meant departure of most of our fellow passengers (and a few favorite crew members), from the Panama Canal.  I still keep looking for our friends from that cruise on the ship. And our “social director”—a bar waiter who has adopted us—doesn’t know what to do when we arrive for pre-dinner drinks, as he is accustomed to immediately letting us know where to find our friends. 

But with the departure of that group came the arrival of the new passengers.  On Sunday, those who are on for the full world cruise boarded.  There are 368 of us. That night was the opening gala for the world cruise, a spectacular event that consisted of cocktails, dancing and a gigantic balloon/confetti drop, followed by dinner and then an opera-themed show. 

Our time in San Francisco was primarily spent with friends. The first day, we had lunch with friends Ken and Shirley, and on the second day with Suzanne and Mark.  It was a great time catching up, and a great feast at both restaurants.

On Monday, the passengers who are aboard for part of the world cruise (primarily the segment ending in Sydney, Australia) embarked.  Now with a full contingent, we are on our way to Honolulu.

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